Ray Turner

About Me

I am Ray Turner from Water Valley, MS and my primary focus right now is landing a job as a entry level software developer. My home town is known mainly for it's farmers and annual Watermelon Carnival, but is currently in era of upcoming software developers showing some of Mississippi's true talent. I am a student at Base Camp Coding Academy, and I am interested in becoming a software developer.

I find myself entering the world of coding and I love to make websites, finding different ways to solving problems, and even making games when I get the chance. It can be very challenging at times, but nothing worth true value is ever easy.


Front-end HTML/CSS/JavaScript

ESPN-Styled Ticker

This application was inspired by the espn ticker. It displays various messages across the screen.

Front End HTML/CSS/JavaScript

Horse Selling Application

The purpose of this application was to help bridge the gap between horse sellers and potential horse buyers. It shows an list of horses on the home page and if the user sees something that catches their eye they can view the horse and even start an conversation with the owner about buying that horse. The technologies used to complete this application was Spring Boot/MVC/Security, PostgreSQL, Mustache, and Bootstrap.


Base Camp Nomination Management System

Worked with a team to construct this Spring application to act as the Base Camp’s Admission management system. Constructed the different pages with mustache templates and styled the pages with vanilla CSS and Bootstrap. Wrote different Controller classes to render the templates, check validation, and talk to other classes. Wrote the Repository class to talk to the database. Constructed form classes to get and set all of the variable we used and wrote a method for validation.

See Code